Bless Your Pants and Valentine Yourself!

I know Valentine’s Day is special for many people and for others it is not. 

No matter what your stance is on this red, hot holiday, I want to offer a different perspective as a way to continue investing in yourself.

Consider “Valentining” YOURSELF for the rest of the month starting today.

What does this mean?

First, look at the definition of a valentine.

The root word, valens, means brave, strong, and healthy and some basic definitions are:

  •     A sweetheart chosen or complimented on

  •     Expressing praise or affection

  •     Paying tribute

Although the St. Valentine tradition has a gruesome origin, it has evolved for many into a celebration of love. 

But think for a moment about the root meaning and definition of valentine.  Now think about it in the context of valentining yourself.  When you valentine self, you are:

  • Choosing YOU for a change

  • Offering uncritical praise and loving affection to self

  • Celebrating self and paying tribute to the gift that is YOU.

And remember the root word, valens: brave, strong, and healthy

Doing these things, like choosing yourself, offering yourself affection and celebrating the gift that is you

-often requires BRAVERY

-will STRENGTHEN you

All of which serves as hallmarks for sound, good HEALTH!


You see what can happen?  Choosing to show yourself love, valentining yourself, is how you live out that WOWW!Factor!


What valentining self looks like in action or speech will be unique for each individual.


Maybe it looks or sounds like:

  • Treating yourself to a set of fancy stationery

  • Buying a pair of cute new frames

  • Telling yourself you love yourself OUT LOUD!

  • Showing more self-compassion in BOTH your personal and professional life

  • Deciding to lose weight when the weight comes from being tethered to a toxic person.

  • Singing a sweet tune with no shame

  • Twerking, shaking your tail-feather, or simply dancing

  • Choosing to laugh yourself to sleep by watching a comedy


You know what makes your heart leap. 


If it does not bring harm to YOU or anyone else, I say doing whatever makes your heart leap is the first step to VALENTINING yourself.


I’ve already started!!!!!!! Hope you will join me!


WOWW!Factor Activated!